Religious Leaders Stand Up Enthusiastically for Life
40th Anniversary of Roe Energizes Pro-Life Movement
By Ernest Ohlhoff

Washington, DC – Hymns, Scripture readings, and inspirational
sermons echoed in historic DAR Constitution Hall on the morning
of January 25th in memory of the 55 million pre-born babies
killed by abortion during the past 40 years.
Eighty-two Bishops, Pastors, and Clergy representing dozens
of different denominations participated in the 19th Annual
Memorial for the Pre-Born. Twenty-five choir members raised
their voices filling the hall with spirit-filled songs and
The event was attended by nearly a thousand pro-life marchers
from every corner of America. They represented every
denomination, race, ethnicity, and color. And in spite of the
political setbacks in the November elections their spirit was
not dampened. They were energized and displayed a new level of
commitment and determination. They were filled with a
willingness to get to work and restore legal protection for all
innocent human life.
I n
his sermon, Fr. Frank Pavone, President of the National Pro-Life
Religious Council (NPRC) brought the crowd to its feet when he
told the attendees that the fundamental responsibility of
government is to protect life saying, “We must recall
the government to its fundamental role: to protect the rights
God has given us, not to be God over us. We must recall public
servants to their fundamental duties. We need public servants
who know the difference between serving the public and killing
the public. And if they don't, they do not belong in public

During the service, numerous inspirational prayers and
scripture readings were read by the clergy participating in the
Memorial. There was no question that all were united in their
commitment to work enthusiastically for restoring legal
protection for all innocent human life.
presented a special award to Reggie Littlejohn, President of
Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, for her tireless efforts to
end the one-child and forced abortion policies in China and for
her efforts to end sex selection abortion which is ramped in
Eastern cultures.
Schwartz also received an award from NPRC as well as the
Cardinal John J. O’Connor Award presented by Legatus, for his 40
years of dedicated and selfless service to the pro-life
movement. Michael served in many capacities with numerous
pro-life organizations. Most recently he serves as Chief of
Staff to Senator Tom Coburn.
National Right to Life served on the Organizing Committee and
was a member of the Host Committee.
The National Pro-Life Religious Council is an ecumenical
organization made up of pro-life groups working within a wide
variety of religious denominations. NPRC is entering its
thirtieth year of working to protect all innocent human life
from abortion, euthanasia, physician assisted suicide, embryonic
stem cell research, health care rationing, and infanticide.
