The National Pro-life
Religious Council
Date: October 18, 2010
Fr. Frank Pavone's statement on the
death of Dr. Mildred Jefferson
Fr. Frank Pavone, speaking on behalf of Priests for Life and
the National Pro-life Religious Council, issued the following
statement today regarding the death of Dr. Mildred Jefferson:
Dr Mildred Jefferson was a constant inspiration to me
both before and after I became National Director of Priests for
Life. In recent years, I especially enjoyed talking with her
about the history of the movement and the strategies for the
future. She always spoke about the movement with a fresh
enthusiasm, vision, and readiness to carry out the work. She did
not carry her many years of service as a burden, but as a source
of strength! May we all drink of that same spirit!
Moreover, her passing should remind us of our duty to reflect on
and record the history of our movement, and pass it on to the
younger generations of pro-life activists. Those who have
brought the pro-life movement to where it is now will not be
with us forever, and their wisdom is a treasure which we should
explore while we still have the opportunity to do so.

Fr. Pavone with Dr. Mildred Jefferson at the 2006 National
Right to Life Convention
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