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Statement on Human Cloning and the Brownback/Landrieu Bill

P.O. BOX 11130
Burke, VA 20009

Mrs. Terry Schlossberg
Executive Director, Presbyterians Pro-life

Presbyterians Pro-Life, a prolife educational, witness and advocacy organization composed of clergy and lay people, both men and women, who are members of the Presbyterian Church (USA), stands unequivocally opposed to all forms of human cloning and in full support of the Brownback/Landrieu bill presently under consideration in the U. S. Senate. Presbyterians stand with the overwhelming national consensus of virtually 90 percent of our people in calling for an immediate ban on human cloning.

The deceptive and misleading distinction between "reproductive" cloning and "therapeutic" or research cloning is both an artificial distinction without a difference, and a dreadful admission that the cloned embryos will be killed. Cloning is reproduction at its very heart, and when advocates of so-called "therapeutic" cloning affirm that they do not want to make a cloned baby; that they only want to advance medical research; they are in fact admitting that they intend to kill the cloned embryo. This is the only way that "research" on cloned embryos can take place. Spurred on by lobbyists for the biotechnology industry, who hope to make billions of dollars by this new technology, many members of the U. S. Senate have been persuaded to sponsor what they call a "compromise" bill. But such a "compromise" still leads to the same result: human life is created to be killed. We affirm that embryonic life, even in its simplest and least complex forms, is still human life.

At the heart of this issue is the question of what constitutes a human life and under what conditions is human life NOT to be protected. For Christians, it is a question of the application of biblical teaching. Each human life began as a fertilized ovum. It is the way our Creator designed us, and God assures us in Holy Scripture that he knew us before we were in the womb and that he ordained every one of our days before even one of them began (Jeremiah 1:5; Psalm 139:16)

A recent statement by Princeton University Professor of Jurisprudence Robert George elaborates on the meaning of these passages. He said that human embryos are:

"whole, living members of the human species... capable of directing from within their own integral organic functioning and development into and through the fetal, infant, child and adolescent stages of life and ultimately into adulthood [The being that is] now you and me is the same being that was once an adolescent and before that a toddler and before that an infant and before that a fetus and before that an embryo. "

This is a moral issue of gargantuan proportions, and anything less than a total ban on all human cloning would result in an ethical crisis that will affect the moral fiber of the entire nation. We call on the U. S. Senate to pass the Brownback/Landrieu bill banning cloning now.

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